Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Ucapan Tahun Baru 2008

Inilah ucapan-ucapan Tahun Baru 2008 yang aku terima :

1. Kami keluarga besar ( pt. Wibel & Pss ) mengucapkan kpd : Mitra bisnis, Kerja, Sdr (i) teman dll, Selamat Tahun Baru, semoga Thn 2008 akan lebih baik dari th kemaren, dan kesuksesan akan menyertai kita semua, amin. Salam Imam khoiri & keluarga.

2. Selamat tahun baru 2008 semoga sukses selalu

3. B4 we realize the truth,don't waste the chance in front of us in 2008.But always remember the years behind us that keep u fight through the years.'koi n family'

4. Selamat Malam. Salam Honda..Bpk & Ibu Custmer Honda yang Berbahagia. Selamat Menyongsong Datangnya Tahun Baru 2008 bersama keluarga & rekanan. Semoga di Tahun 2008 membawa berkah & kesuksesan bagi kita semua serta selalu sehat & tetap semangat..AMIN. ( EKA - HONDA SJ KALTIM ).

5. Met mlm Bro n Sist..Met Taon Baru 2008..makin ASIK n makin Pe De..Penuh Keberkahan-Kebahagian-Kejayaan Selalu..Amin..SUKSES Semua..!!(Pepenk n Klrga)

6. ...the past is what made what you are in the present and most importantly make u prepare for the future..
Whising you all the best for year 2008
Wassalm- Anni-

7. Yesterday is a history, today is a present & tommorow is a bless. May the coming year brings us peace,harmony n health ¤ HåpPy NèW YeÄr 2008
Ayub Pasaribu

8. Past is xperience Present is xperiment Future is xpectation So use ur xperience in ur xperiment 2 achieve ur xpectation Happy New Year!! (Rafie-Niar-Salwa)

9. All happen at 2007 is a memory, next year is new plan, hope and best wishes. Happy Nu year 2008 ! (Edi Karyoto & Fam)

10. Tuuinnng tereteretet DUAR!!! Soon year 2008 will come,a great moment for a new hope to achieve n have better life,better attitude,healthy,happiness and many other things we wish n pray in this life.May God always be with us and bless us all,may 2008 be a great year for all of us.HaPpY NeW yEaR deAr!!!!!!! -anky-

11. Thank you for your kind continous support through 2007. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year 2008.Kind regards,Ian

12. Slamat tahun baru juga. Mammuare na madeceng maneng jama2nge ye taungnge. Amin

Happy New Year 2008 For All

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